Managing the effects of stress

Stress is the perception that we don’t have the resources to cope with a given situation. What triggers stress in my life may not be a stressor in your life. Regardless of the trigger, any adverse or demanding circumstance that results in mental, emotional or physical...


  We all experience them…mid-morning, mid-afternoon, before bedtime. You want something sweet, something salty, something creamy. The feeling is rarely a fleeting thought. It can be so strong at times that there is little you can do to resist. And when you give...
Winter Hydration

Winter Hydration

Water…it’s essential for life. Did you know that your body contains up to 75% water by weight and your brain even more? Among its many functions, water feeds cells, helps physical and mental performance, controls temperature, and aids digestion. Sure coffee and hot...
Nourishing the season

Nourishing the season

The holiday season is here. For the next six weeks, I know my schedule will get pretty hectic. I enjoy the anticipation of the season…celebrating with family and friends, meal preparation, holiday decorations, walks, and runs in crisp snow, providing extra support to...

Tips to Keep Your Body Strong

The link between stress and nutrition is real. In fact, people who eat a nutrient-dense diet are better able to handle inevitable daily stressors than those with habits that drain the body. Here are three ways to keep your body strong, no matter what life throws at...