Nourishing the season

by | Nutrition

The holiday season is here. For the next six weeks, I know my schedule will get pretty hectic. I enjoy the anticipation of the season…celebrating with family and friends, meal preparation, holiday decorations, walks, and runs in crisp snow, providing extra support to my wonderful clients. It all nourishes my soul. At the same time, there are only so many hours in a day, and the added activity can take its toll. Here are steps I will take to nourish my body, my energy, and my outlook for a vibrant holiday season. I encourage you to join me in setting YOUR course for a vibrant and joyful holiday season, too.

#1 Stay well hydrated. I will start the day with a glass of pure water and/or hot tea. Herbal and green teas are my go-to warm beverage on a winter day. Hydration aids digestion, helps fight fatigue, nourishes cells, flushes the kidneys, protects joints and cartilage, and can stave off headaches. When plain water just doesn’t sound appealing, I entice my tastebuds by adding a twist of lemon or orange to a glass of sparkling water. Another favorite drink is a splash of apple cider vinegar (AVC) and a touch of honey in a cup of hot water. ACV supports the digestive system and can help boost energy.

#2 Maintain my normal eating patterns. For me, that’s three meals a day and snacks as needed. I’ve learned the hard way how fluctuations in blood sugar can rob me of energy and shift my mood. As the pace of the holiday season picks up, I will not skip meals thinking I don’t have time or can make up for it at dinner. Doing so sets the stage for making food choices that don’t support my health. To keep my appetite in check, I will start my day with a nourishing breakfast, enjoy a balanced lunch, and will take the edge off with a light snack before heading to a dinner event. Keeping my blood sugar balanced guards against the cravings that often result from waiting too long between meals or not feeling fully satisfied after eating.

#3 Create dishes that radiate nourishment. Being sensitive to several foods can make eating in someone else’s home a challenge. I have a handful of recipes to choose from when I attend a gathering…a veggie platter with bean dip; a pan of roasted vegetables; turkey & lettuce roll-ups with hummus; a variety of salads. The salad recipes are easy to enhance with protein (chicken, nuts, avocado) to create a balanced main dish. This doesn’t mean I ignore others’ tasty treats. It just means I have a primary entree if other choices aren’t as plentiful. Click here for an easy and versatile kale salad recipe that looks festive topped with cherry tomatoes and pine nuts.

#4 Savor my indulgences. My tastebuds gravitate toward salty rather than sweet treats, but mix a piece of dark chocolate with sea salt, and it’s got me! One or two pieces on occasion are a treat. More than that sets me up for being less than my best down the road. I discovered years ago the impact refined and natural sugars have on my system. I’ve learned to set my limit, enjoy the special occasion, and not feel deprived when others are enjoying their desserts. Savoring my infrequent indulgences means my head feels clearer, I have more energy, and my immune system will remain strong in the days ahead.

As you look for ways to celebrate the holiday season, express your love and gratitude for the people in your life and the abundance our world has to offer. Nourish yourself, nourish your relationships, nourish your life.

Here’s to your health and vitality!