A Nourishing Word

by | Resilience

My running partner and I meet once a week for a long run. Rain, shine, wind, cold. The commitment to meet each week runs deep. Sure, on occasion we miss our weekly get-together because of travel, illness, injury or family obligations. But unless it’s big, little keeps us from getting out the door before sun-up for a couple of hours of exercise and miles of conversation. What started out ten years ago as a training partner to “get in more miles” has grown into a cherished friendship, loving support, and inspiration.

On our first run of this new year, our inspiration was to pick a word that we wanted to explore for the next seven days. On our next run, we would talk about how the word manifested in our lives during the week. Did it pose a challenge? Was it invigorating? Before our run ended, we would select another word for the following week.

This week’s word is COMMITMENT. Commitment to self, to others, to play, to work, to conversation, to a project, a change, a ritual, a habit. There are no “shoulds” or “have tos.” Just observations about how the word plays out in our lives.

I want to include you in this Nourishing Word challenge. For the next seven days, I encourage you to be aware of the COMMITMENTs you keep, the COMMITMENTs you drop, the COMMITMENTs that keep you stuck, the COMMITMENTs that lead to change. Think about how the word affects your actions. What do you tell yourself about COMMITMENT? No “shoulds,” no judgment. Just observations.

The best part of this word fun is that it is an opportunity to be part of a bigger conversation. Share this inspiration with friends, family, and workmates. Then listen. Listen to their words. Listen to their meaning. Be curious. Observe your reactions. Learn from the conversation around you.

As the weeks unfold, I will share other nourishing words to ponder. My running partner and I started on 1-January and have been inspired by ACTIVITY and BEAUTY so far this year.

This year I am on a quest to see inspiration in all that surrounds me, and I’m eager to share that inspiration with you. Send a note telling me about your COMMITMENTs this week…large and small. Were they related to a nutrition change? An exercise plan? A behavior change? A work project? Did you commit to keeping the status quo? What kept you from keeping a commitment? What commitments were easy to fulfill?

I enjoy staying connected and look forward to our conversations through this vibrant new year.

COMMIT to your health and vitality today!