Nourishing holiday travel tips

Nourishing holiday travel tips

For many, traveling during the holidays is as sure as Rudolph leading Santa’s sleigh on Christmas eve. The desire to be with family, many of whom live in another city, another state, or even another country, creates a pull like no other. Deciding to travel during the...
How much is enough?

How much is enough?

People often seek help in losing weight after trying a variety of weight loss approaches…calorie restriction, high workout days, low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets, vegetarianism, juice fasts, smoothie-only days, skipping meals. The story is the same. Men and women...
Inflammation – Friend or foe

Inflammation – Friend or foe

I recently attended a conference on inflammation. What caught my eye before signing up for the conference was the line-up of speakers. All were MDs or NDs recognized in their fields of healthcare…cardiology, oncology, psychiatry, hypertension and autoimmunity. Each...
A little goes a long way…

A little goes a long way…

  Can you relate? You are leaving town for a week or more, and your refrigerator is full of food. Most of the items in the ‘frig are partial servings; not enough to use as a full side or main entree. If you’re like me, you prefer to keep as little fresh...
What’s with Wheat?

What’s with Wheat?

  The newly released documentary What’s with Wheat? is available for FREE online viewing between now and Thursday, 30-June 2016. That’s only four (4) days away! I’ve wondered for some time why gluten has become a prime suspect in our...


Last month, a colleague and I hosted our “Resilience at Midlife” workshop. A group of beautiful women gathered to learn self-compassion techniques and nutrition tips for building and maintaining resilience. At the heart of self-compassion is being kind to...