What’s with Wheat?

by | Nutrition


The newly released documentary What’s with Wheat? is available for FREE online viewing between now and Thursday, 30-June 2016. That’s only four (4) days away!

Free online global premiere of What's with Wheat?

I’ve wondered for some time why gluten has become a prime suspect in our nation’s ill health. Is it really the protein in wheat that is causing health problems? Do we know more now than 20, 30, 40 years ago? Has something changed? Is there more to the story? The documentary What’s with Wheat? clearly articulates that, while gluten intolerance and sensitivity are very real for some people, what’s on the wheat, how it is grown, and how it is processed may be burdensome for others of us in ways we don’t even realize.

If you or someone you know suffers from low energy, foggy thinking, unexplained aches and pains, IBS, irritability, or bouts of anxiety or depression, I encourage you to carve out 80 minutes in the next few days to watch this documentary. You may not identify with all that is shared in the film, but I’m confident you will gain a better understanding of the detrimental effects our current processed food and skincare products have on overall health.

Then after watching What’s with Wheat?, reach out to continue the conversation or leave a comment on my Facebook page. I will be happy to further the dialog with you.

Give others the opportunity to consider a change that could greatly improve their health. Share this post and the link to What’s with Wheat? with those you love.

Here’s to your health and vitality!