The importance of sleep

The importance of sleep

As you prepare to ring out the old and bring in the new, you may feel a little short on sleep these days. Maybe it’s a pattern that has been going on for several months. Holiday cheer, family gatherings, travel, getting packages under the tree before morning, wrapping...
Gratitude practice

Gratitude practice

Thanksgiving 2017 is well behind us. I hope you had a wonderful celebration. My husband and I enjoy cooking, so hosting Thanksgiving this year was a treat. Family and friends gathered around our table with all the festive trimmings. It was a time to give thanks for...
Warming spices

Warming spices

I love this time of year. Temperatures are dropping, the air is crisp, and we’re heading into the holiday season. It’s the time of year when a warm mug of tea is a must, and my body often needs an extra boost to help it adjust to the change in seasonal temperatures....
Kombucha [kôm boo’ cha]

Kombucha [kôm boo’ cha]

I remember the first time I sampled kombucha. My father-in-law found a booth offering samples at the farmers’ market one Saturday morning, and he dared me to try it. The stringy live culture in the bottom of the cup gave me pause, but I wasn’t about to back down from...


It’s that time of year…when my body begins to crave warmer foods. Temperatures are dropping, and it takes an extra layer to keep my core warm. Drinking warm beverages is one way I nourish myself during this fall transition, and few things are more comforting than...