Are you an immunity idol?

by | Resilience

Welcome to the first in a series of discussions that will explore immune health and how to support your system in life-changing ways.

Over the next few weeks, I will share immune-boosting tips from a collection of healthy living experts. Many of their top insights will cost you little more than time and attention.

Let’s start by understanding the immune system.

The immune system is your body’s first line of defense against infections and inflammation. When any foreign invader like germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites enters the body, it senses that something is wrong and triggers a release of special cells to attack the intruders. 

Invaders can come from many different places, and your body is smart enough to know when and which special cells to call on and where to send them. After all, your body wants to be your best friendthe one to support you through hard times, to boost you up, and to help you feel your best as you navigate life.

A common misconception is that the immune system is a single part of the body. In fact, it is a complex, interconnected system that resides in white blood cells, mucus membranes, the lymph glands that are distributed throughout your body, your gut, and even cells in your brain. Did you know that over 50% of your body’s immune system is concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract?

The immune system is continuously communicating with your gut, your brain, your nervous system, your lymph system, your respiratory system, and your circulatory system. As a result, no single food or activity will immediately improve immune function.

We know that friendships are strongest when respected and shown mutual support and care. Supporting your immune system is no different. It is critical to good health, and good health relies on a healthy immune system. That’s why a multi-faceted approach for immune support is important…nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods, stress management, sleep, exercise, and nurturing the power of your mind, along with all of the other immune-boosting strategies that will be shared in upcoming posts. Combined, these strategies will help your immune system do its part to protect you when faced with the unsuspected attacks that are part of everyday life.

Until next time, keep shining your light!