The Ultimate Cranberry Drink

The Ultimate Cranberry Drink

‘Tis the season…for cranberries! Cranberries have their roots in Native American culture as a treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Research corroborates the chemical and physiological benefits of cranberries for helping to keep the urinary tract...
A Global State of Affairs

A Global State of Affairs

It’s no surprise that we are in the midst of a global mental health crisis. In the United States alone… Approximately 1 in 5 adults (57.8 million people) experienced mental illness in 2021. About 8.4% of adults have at least one major depressive episode in...
Juicy Thought-provoking Reads in 2024

Juicy Thought-provoking Reads in 2024

Yes, I’ve been missing in action for the past several months. Not intentionally but by distraction. Amidst the distractions was a list of books I had on hold at the library, all of which came due about the same time. Oh, happy bookworming! Top four books on my...
How to mind your mind with MIND

How to mind your mind with MIND

Here’s what’s on my mind this week. It’s the MIND approach to healthy aging. The MIND approach is based on extensive research in the areas of nutrition and cognitive health. The name stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay...
Link Between Oral and Heart Health

Link Between Oral and Heart Health

I’ve always been fascinated by the numbers the dental hygienist calls out while examining my teeth and gums just before a cleaning…1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, etc. At the end of the counting, she usually says, “Things look good,” and moves on to the next...