Julie Thenell
Nourishing Life
Nutrition for stress resilience
Is stress impacting your energy?
The link between stress and nutrition is real.
Whether you’re dealing with the demands of work, caring for your children or parents, managing a nagging health concern, or navigating life in general, one thing is for sure:
External stressors don’t go away. There is always a new demand, a new irritation, or a new decision to manage. And just when things start to settle, a new challenge pops up. Day after day, these stressors… large and small…tap your body’s nutrient reserves.
If your body feels depleted, I’m here to assure you that it IS possible to build the reserves you need to stay resilient in the face of daily stressors.
Fatigue, irritation, digestive upset, and lack of concentration may be common, but they are not normal. In fact, these symptoms, and more, are signs that your body is depleted of important nutritional reserves. Not taking care of yourself…from poor food choices to worry to lack of sleep…places significant stress on the very body that is designed to do its best to support you.
If you are ready to start building your reserves, sign up on the right to retrieve my free eBook highlighting the top 10 stress-busting foods along with recipes for amazing nourishment.